Understanding How to Manage a Restaurant

TRG Restaurant Consulting
2 min readAug 8, 2024


It’s been shown that approximately 59 percent of restaurants fail, and more than 90 percent decline rapidly within the first year of business. That’s because all too many entrepreneurs fail to consider how to manage a restaurant before getting started. The best place to start is with a proper feasibility study and solid business plan. You will also need a well thought out employee manual and competent training program. Once you have the right base established, you can then work on setting specific goals to achieve.

Time is Money

When it comes to running a restaurant, the term “time is money” couldn’t ring truer. There are so many tasks to complete in a single day, and this all too often results in inadvertently cutting corners when it comes to financial management.

TRG Remote Management was created as a cost-effective solution that is designed to help manage a restaurant’s P&L statement, while also providing actionable feedback to enable management to take corrective action.

Currently, most independent restaurants don’t receive profit and loss numbers until mid-month or later (if at all), which can create challenges for accurate budgeting and financial forecasting.

TRG Remote Management includes a detailed budget model that allows owners to establish financial goals. Our remote management service analyzes daily sales and expense data, allowing managers and owners to form any necessary adjustments during a much shorter time frame rather than waiting for the end of a month, quarter, or year. This allows restaurant operators and managers to streamline business operations and improve profitability.

When you invest in TRG restaurant management, you will develop a strong team capable of avoiding common mishaps, thus allowing them to spend more time focusing on the day-to-day operations and customer service. Visit our website for more information.



TRG Restaurant Consulting

The Restaurant Group is an all-inclusive, restaurant consulting and management firm that provides solutions to your restaurant's operational needs.